In order of priority:
If you need to direct the emergency services to the Boat Shed or
Rosemary Lane, the Post Codes, OS Grid Reference and Latitude / Longitude of each location are on a prominent sign inside both the Boat Shed and the Oar Shed, also here.
It is MANDATORY to have at least one mobile phone in a waterproof pouch in every boat
on the water at Bewl, with the exception of Juniors under constant close supervision by a launch alongside.
Please store the Emergency Contact numbers shown above in your phone before your outing. The numbers are also shown on a list on the inside of the Boat Shed door.
The following Club Members are trained in the use of First Aid:
Medical Professionals: Helen Maycock, Helen Lawton
If you are trained in First Aid, please contact
the Club Water
Safety Adviser (CWSA) if you are happy to have your
name added to this list.