Membership and Boat Racking


Applications and Prices

BBRC welcomes new members and uses an online system called WebCollect to manage the various membership categories. 

On the Club's WebCollect page you will find details of all the available subscriptions and associated prices.

BBRC’s policies regarding membership fees


The Membership Year runs from 1 May to 30 April.


Membership fees are due promptly at the beginning of each year, or on joining the Club.


In advance of a new membership year, the Committee may allow a reduced rate Early Bird Membership Fee to encourage prompt payment.  The reduced rate may be withdrawn at the Committee’s discretion.


Proportionate reductions are normally given if members join part-way through a year.


Payment plans can be arranged, at the Treasurer’s discretion, for families with multiple Club members only.


The Club is entirely volunteer-run.  BBRC does not offer payment to members who contribute to the Club, whether by coaching, driving a launch, or in any other way.  Making a contribution in the best way you can is part and parcel of being a good Club member.


Boat Racking


Members in good standing may apply for permission to store a private boat at Bewl.  BBRC will not allocate a rack to a person who is not a member of the Club.


Important notes.  All racking allocations are wholly at BBRC’s discretion; and are subject to availability and payment of the current racking fees.  BBRC may not be able to meet all requests for private racking space.  Boats are stored at entirely owner’s risk and must be insured accordingly.  Evidence of insurance will be required.  Any payment of racking fees before a rack is allocated is provisional only and will be refunded if no allocation is made.

Latest News 

Quintin Head report

Valete: John Pitchford

Teddington Head report





Celebrating 40 Years of Rowing at Bewl - BBRC's first outing July 1977. Celebrating 40 Years of Rowing at Bewl - BBRC's first outing July 1977.
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